Anaesthetists are specialist medical doctors who work to make surgical operations and other medical procedures as safe, comfortable and pain-free as possible. All anaesthetists in Australia must have performed further specialist training after finishing medical training at university and are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). All BAS Anaesthetists are Fellows of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA).
Your anaesthetist will meet with you prior to your operation. This might be on the day of your procedure or in the days/weeks before your procedure. This will depend on your health and the type and size of your operation. Your anaesthetist will confirm any previous surgical operations or medical issues and discuss important aspects of your upcoming care including the type of anaesthesia best suited to you and the procedure you are having. Your anaesthestist will then remain with you throughout your procedure providing care tailored to your needs. If circumstances require they may also be involved in your care following your operation.
Our anaesthetists participate in professional development programs to keep their knowledge up to date and to maintain and improve the standard of care they provide. As part of this process BAS anaesthetists may ask you to complete a patient feedback form. These forms are anonymous and it is not compulsory to take part, but your responses would be highly valued and appreciated. A prepaid return envelope will be provided. If you have any questions or comments about the care you received from your anaesthetist, you may contact them through our office, even if you have not received a feedback form.